Child Surgery Guide

by pedsurgeon


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Chia Child Surgery can be a simple guide for anyone whose has concerns about a child who needs surgery. Your doctor or pediatrician may have advised that your child needs surgery or have to undergo an operation. Knowing that your child will need to undergo an impending surgery or operation can caused significant concerns. Chia Child Surgery aims to provide some general advice on some common paediatric surgical conditions like hernia and provide links to resources for less common paediatric surgical conditions. There are also simple explanations on how some common operations like circumcision are performed and some common potential complications.Knowing that your child will need an operation soon can be stressful; while your doctor would have given you all the explanations needed, a guide that you can refer to at your on leisure can be helpful.Using this app, Chia Child Surgery, you could check up on some common pediatric surgical conditions; you may ask Dr. Chia some general questions or seek clarifications on the surgery that your child may need and how to do further research on your child surgical condition.While Chia Child Surgery provides some guidance on your child’s need for surgery, you should always consult your primary physician or pediatrician before deciding if your child should have the proposed surgery.Chia Child Surgery wishes you all the best for your the surgery planned for your child and hope that your overall experience of the surgery will be positive.Dr Chia is an experience paediatric surgeon with a special interest in reconstructive pediatric urology who has worked in Malaysia and Australia for more than 20 years."Please note that any information provided is intended for your general knowledge and informational purpose only. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment. You must always consult your child’s physician or other qualified health care provider if you have any concerns about your child’s condition."